The Journey Of Scrap Metal: Exploring The Recycling Process

Recycling scrap metal has been a critical part of our economy for decades. But where does that Scrap Metal come from, and how does it get recycled? It all starts with the people who bring in their old vehicles to be shredded and recycled. We wanted to take a look at the journey of scrap metal through its processing. Here's what we learned: Prepping the Scrap Metal Before you can recycle scrap metal, it needs to be prepared. This process includes shredding and melting down the material. Shredding is done with a machine called a shredder that cuts up large pieces of metal into smaller pieces that are easier to melt down in the furnace or smelter. Shredders come in two basic types: horizontal or vertical feeder models. Horizontal feeders are used when you want to cut up large amounts of scrap metal quickly; they can handle up to 1/2 inch thick material at once and produce 2-inch wide strips per pass through the machine's blades (which rot ate at high speeds). Vertical f...